
BNA 于2009年在中国深圳设立分公司,其名为:深圳市百龙营销策划有限公司。



Lisa Baldwin

Lisa Baldwin

Director Best Network Asia Ltd

With over twenty years of experience in international marketing, nine of those years working specifically in the Asia region, I have had the pleasure of working with a great and growing number of business partners and contacts in this area. My previous position as Marketing Director for one of the largest electronics manufacturing groups based in Shenzhen has given me a valuable insight into best practice in the Asian business environment. Born and educated in Cambridge, England, I have a Bachelor of Arts Honors Degree in Law and International Business. My career path has been in marketing, specializing in the field of audio and electronics for manufacturing companies. I have travelled extensively around the world and spent many years living and working in Shenzhen, China.

Lisa Baldwin

Lisa Baldwin

Director Best Network Asia Ltd

Angel Jiang–深圳市百龙营销策划有限公司-总经理